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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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2 Chronicles 7:14 THE ENEMIES OF REVIVAL Intro: This is a well known
passage that is often used by preachers to talk about the subject of
revival. It is a revival verse. This word was spoken to King Solomon at the
dedication of the temple. He is told by
God that disobedience and rebellion will result in judgment upon the nation of Folks,
we need revival! We Baptists love our
meetings; but we need more than a meeting, we need a revival. We need something that we cannot produce by
our own efforts. Revival is a
supernatural event. It comes only by the
sovereign decree of the Lord. We can
have a meeting this week, but we cannot have a revival unless the Lord gives
it. While we cannot produce a revival,
we can meet the requirements set forth in these verses, and that will make
revival much more likely. The
Chronicler speaks of the possibility and the problems associated with
revival. While telling what we can have,
he also tells us about what can prevent revival. I would to point out The
Enemies of Revival today. There
are four problems mentioned in this verse that can sabotage and prevent revival
from taking place. We need to listen
closely to what the Bible has to say about this matter and do whatever we need
to do to see that these enemies of revival do not hinder us from getting what
we need from the Lord. Let’s look into
this passage together and talk about The Enemies Of Revival. (Note: This verse is directed to God’s people. He says, “If My people, which are called by
My name…” This is not a verse to
lost people. Lost people do not need
revival, they need to be saved! If you
are not saved, you need to come to Jesus Christ, confess your sins and call on
Him for your soul’s salvation. If you do
know the Lord today, then God has something to say to you from this verse. He will help us, if we will allow Him to. Here are the enemies of revival.)
“Will humble themselves” – This phrase deals with the area of
our pride. The word translated “pride”
in the Old Testament means “to rise or to swell up.” It refers to the rising of the waves of the
sea. It speaks of men thinking more of themselves and their abilities than they
do of God. Pride says, “I do
not need God, I can make my own way. I
know best. I call the shots in my life.” Friends,
we are eaten up with pride in our modern churches! We have adopted the Laodicean mentality, Rev. 3:17a. We have learned how to function without the
help of the Lord and it has destroyed the power of the church! When we compare
ourselves the to the world, we are looking pretty good; but when we lay the
modern church alongside the early church, Acts
2:42-47; it is easy to see that we are in sad shape! God
hates pride! How
can you tell if you have a pride problem? Here are the evidences of pride in a
life: 1.
Pride refuses to listen, it always interrupts others.
2. Pride likes to talk about itself all the time.
3. Pride has an intense desire to be noticed.
4. Pride believes that it deserves everything it gets.
5. Pride is not thankful.
6. Pride cannot be corrected.
7. Pride does not like to follow instructions. 8. Pride exalts itself in the presence of others; it brags. 9. Pride criticizes and tries to makes itself look better by putting others down. 10. Pride thinks of its own needs first. (Ill.
Muhammad Ali furnishes a good example of pride at work. He was on an airplane once and he was standing
up in the aisle, talking and laughing and entertaining the passengers. Finally, the stewardess came back to him and
said, "Mr. Ali, you'll have to take a seat and fasten your seat belt because
the plane is about to take off."
Well, Mohammed Ali looked at her with a snarl, and said, "Honey,
superman don't need no seat belt."
She looked at him and said, "Yeah, and superman don't need no airplane
either. Now sit down and buckle up.") B.
God has a better plan! He calls
on His people to “humble themselves”. The
word “humble” means “to bend the knee; to bring down; to place
self under another.” Pride will
not allow the prideful person to bow their knee to the Lord! God
desires His people to take whatever steps are necessary to bring themselves
under His authority. He wants us to know
that we cannot do it. He wants us to
know that we are dependent upon Him for everything we have. He wants us to bend the knee to His authority
in our lives. C.
We need to take the steps Jesus laid out for the church in That
is what the church needs to do today.
God’s people need to realize that we were nothing when He found us; we
would be nothing without Him and that we can accomplish nothing apart from His
power in our lives, John 15:5. D.
If we are going to have revival, then pride, the enemy of revival, must
The people of God are challenged to “pray”. Prayerlessness is the first cousin to
pride. Prayerlessness says, “I do
not need to call on the Lord, I can make it just fine without His aid.” Prayerlessness does not say, “He is
all I need”; but “I am all I need.”
Prayerlessness relies on self and the resources self can produce and
refuses to lean on Jesus alone.
Prayerlessness is the enemy of revival! B.
It is a fact that we can prayer and not have revival; but we will never
have a revival apart from prayer! Prayer
is the ultimate statement of inability.
Prayer looks to God and says, “I can’t, but you can!” Prayer acknowledges personal, profound
dependence upon the Lord. We do not have
revival because we do not pray! And, we
do not have revival because we do not pray as we should, We
have lost the art of waiting before the Lord in prayer! Too much of our praying
is anemic, antiseptic, formal, repetitious and long-winded. We pray around issues and never really get
down to trusting God by faith. Our
prayers leave our mouths, but they do not move God in Heaven. (Ill. Dwight L. Moody, a famous
evangelist from That
afternoon Moody wrote in his journal that they were the deadest crowd he had
ever seen and that the only thing worse than preaching to those people was that
he had promised to go back that night and preach again. But he went back that
night, and about halfway through the sermon something happened. The
people started to come to life, and he felt compelled to ask if anyone there
would like to become a Christian and a lot of people stood up. He didn’t know
what to do. So he said, "Maybe you don’t understand what I am asking.
So when we are dismissed if you want to become a Christian come over to this
little room and meet with me." When the service was over, he went
to the room and it was packed. Moody said to the minister, "What
does this mean?" He said, "I don’t know. But I think you
need to preach again tomorrow night." The
next day Moody got on a train and went to Moody couldn’t understand. Those
people were dead, and something changed it. What happened was that an 80 some
year old invalid widow named Mary Ann Adelard had read one of his sermons in
the newspaper and had started praying every day that God would bring D. L.
Moody to her church. That is revival praying.) C.
We pray for a few minutes and think we are ready for meeting. We recite our lists to the Lord and make our
requests for our fleshly, material desires and we think God is going to move in
mighty revival power. Well, it is not
going to happen! We have to come to the
place where we sacrifice our pride on God’s altar; declare our utter
helplessness; and cling to Him until He moves in power in our lives and
church. Leonard Ravenhill said, “The
church is dying on its feet because it is not living on its knees!” D.
When Jonah’s message came to A.
God’s people are told to “seek His face”. The word “seek” means “to
search out by any method; especially by worship and prayer.” The word “face” refers to “the
countenance; to turn toward His direction.” This little phrase is a call for God’s people
to stop looking for help and purpose in every other thing in life. They are called upon to make God their
primary focus and their first priority. You
see, revival
does not come to people who seek revival; but to people who seek God! Far too many people are caught up in what God
can do for them. But, seeking His face
means that we hunger for Him more than for what He can do. He wants us to love Him for Who He is! The essence of genuine revival is falling in
love with Jesus all over again, Ill. Rev.
2:1-7. Seeking Him will bring
revival to His church, James 4:8; Isa.
55:6. B.
If you had to be really honest today, what is the number one priority in
your life? Is it your job? Is it your bank accounts or retirement? Is it your family? Is it your church? Is it your spouse? Is it your hobby? Or, is it the Lord? When anything but God is the number one
priority in your life, you are out of balance and you are not a candidate for
revival. When
God is our first priority, the things He cares about are the things we will
care about. When we are seeking His
face, we will be able to see what has His attention. And, what has His attention is to be that
which has our attention. He wants us to
love what He loves, hate what He hates and do what He does. He wants us to develop that attitude Jesus
adopted while He was here on earth, John
5:19-20. C.
If you really want to know what your priorities are today then ask
yourself three questions: 1.) On what activity do you spend most of your
time? 2.) On what do you spend the bulk of your money? 3.) On
what do you focus your thoughts?
at where you go; what you do and where you spend your money. Do that and you will have a good idea of your
priorities in life. Where does God fit
in the equation of your life? Is He in
first place? If He isn’t than you are
not a candidate for revival! D.
Misplaced priorities are the enemy of real revival. The priorities of IV. PRESUMPTION IS THE ENEMY OF REVIVAL A.
Finally, God’s people are told to “turn from their wicked ways.” That is, they are to forsake their sins and
embrace holiness. The problem in We
say, “I am saved and some of the things I do don’t matter!” Yes they do!
Sin keeps us out of the presence of the Lord, Isa. 59:2. Sin closes the
Lord’s ears to our prayers, Psa. 66:18;
Pro. 15:8, 29; Pro. 28:9. B.
It is easy to see the hypocrisy and sin in our nation. We need more money for schools, so we
legalize and promote gambling. We need
to stop teen pregnancy, so we give out condoms and open abortion clinics. We want to balance the budget, so we raise
taxes. We want to stop the spread of AIDS, so we practice “safe sex.” It’s no wonder God won’t send revival to What
about the church? Why aren’t we having
revival? We are just as bad! We do not have revival because we are just as
guilty as the world! Church people
sin! They drink, they steal, they lie,
they cheat; they commit adultery; they engage in sexual activity outside of
marriage; they carry hate in their heart; they walk in pride; they walk in
hypocrisy; they drag the precious name of Jesus through the mud and He cannot
and will not bless a mess like that! We are saved by grace, but grace is never
a license to sin! What
we need is a season of repentance. We
are good with our excuses; and we are quick to rationalize our behavior; but we
are slow to fall before the Lord and confess our sins and receive His
forgiveness. But, He will never bless us
with revival until we do! We must come
clean about our sins, before He can bless us, Pro. 28:13; 1 John 1:9. C.
James 5:16b says, “The
effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” The key word in that verse is “righteous”. The word refers to a person who is “holy,
upright and keeps the commandments of the Lord.” Does that describe you? Are you a righteous man or woman? Can God hear your prayers, and could you be
an instrument of revival in His hands? D.
We need revival, but revival will not come to a presumptious
people. It will only come to those who
get honest about their sin; who confess them; forsake them and turn to God with
all their hearts, “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all
your heart,” Jer. 29:13.
Revival will come when God’s people adopt the attitude that gripped the hearts
of the people of Conc: Yes, there are some enemies
that must be defeated. They can be, and
if they are, we can experience God’s power.
He promised Are
you a candidate for revival? Here is the
invitation: 1.) Are you “His people”? If not, you need to be saved. You need to come today! 2.) Are the enemies of revival, pride,
prayerlessness, misplaced priorities and presumption active in your
life? If they are, you need
to come today. 3.) Would you life to see God send
us a real revival? It can happen,
but we must meet His conditions. |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |